What does Bristol Fawcett do?

Bristol Fawcett members are active in the local campaign for gender equality.  We support the aims of the Fawcett Society and work at a local level to:
  • Raise awareness of Fawcett and the work that Fawcett does
  • Campaign and lobby to improve policy and services for women and girls
  • Bring an informed gender equality perspective to local decision making bodies

Bristol Fawcett is an activist group, whose members seek not primarily to talk about feminism but to ‘do’ feminism and make a difference - however small - to awareness, policy and practice in the local area. We meet monthly and between meetings our members work on current campaigns and in subgroups. Members give their time, their ideas, and their skills, to projects and events that we undertake.

We recognise that women have different skills and different amounts of time available for this work. By being part of a group, everything you do, big or small, can make a difference.  If you aren't able to be a regular active member that's fine!  Keep in touch with us by visiting this website, joining our Facebook group and following us on Twitter.


For more information about our activities, see our ‘Projects’ page here or go straight to our pages on the economy, gender equality in education, lapdancing clubsviolence against women, representation of women and trafficking.

Annual Reports

Our annual report for 2014 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2013 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2012 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2011 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2010 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2009 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2008 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2007 can be viewed here.

Please let us know if you would like a copy in larger format.

Join us!!!


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Web design and CMS by WholeThing
Adapted by Joel McParland & Jamie Williams