Welcome to Bristol Fawcett, the Fawcett Society’s Local Group in Bristol

What is the Fawcett Society?

Fawcett is a national organisation that campaigns for equality between women and men in the UK on pay, pensions, poverty, justice and politics. 

Our vision is of a society where women and men are equal partners in the home, at work and in public life.

Where there's an inequality gap between women and men we're working to close it.

Our roots stretch back to 1866, when Millicent Fawcett began her lifetime's work leading the peaceful campaign for women's votes.

What does Bristol Fawcett do?

Bristol Fawcett members are active in the local campaign for gender equality.  We support the aims of the Fawcett Society and work at a local level to:
  • Raise awareness of Fawcett and the work that Fawcett does
  • Campaign and lobby to improve policy and services for women and girls
  • Bring an informed gender equality perspective to local decision making bodies


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Web design and CMS by WholeThing
Adapted by Joel McParland & Jamie Williams