See below for links to teaching resources.  See also the page on campaigns and other resources. 

...with thanks to ThinkingPeople

Please contact us if you have suggestions for adding to this page.

A Different World is Possible - by the End Violence Against Women Coalition - Explores 15 innovative and creative initiatives to prevent violence against women and girls through education, community mobilisation, media and public awareness (2011)
Barnardos Bwise to Sexual Exploitation - This pack equips teachers, social workers and counsellors to educate young people about sexual exploitation with honesty and realism.  A preventative education programme based on real-life experiences of children and young people who have been supported by a specialist Barnardo’s service.
Body Confidence Teaching Pack - teachers' notes, worksheets, lesson plan and Powerpoint by MediaSmart in association with the Home Office (2011). The aim of the one hour lesson is to provide an introduction into the role of the media and advertising in influencing young people's perception of body image. Aimed at 10-11 year olds, the lesson highlights techniques used in post-production and examples of positive body image campaigns to help children think critically about the images they are seeing.
Body Image in the Primary School - this award winning book offers lesson plans for Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and the transition to Key Stage 3; practical guidance on how to support and involve parents and carers; analysis on the changing social influences of home life, peer pressure and the media; overviews of research on the links between body image, academic achievement and emotional well-being.
Choose Respect Playbook - Developed by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, a wealth of resources including lesson plans and activities for teenagers.
The Family Violence Prevention Fund have a dedicated website and toolkit with a work plan for working with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence.
Consent - Bristol's campaign with free resources for: early intervention with primary-level children, a focus on 14-18 year olds, a leaflet and how to use drama to explore peer pressure, consent and coercion.
Domestic Abuse - Bristol's 4YP initiative provides both education and non-education settings with advice, resources and toolkits on how to talk to young people and children about domestic violence and abuse whether that be parental, family or boyfriend/ girlfriend abuse. This information mainly focusses on the teenage age range but will have some relevant information for those working with under 13s.
Flirting or Hurting? - A Teacher's Guide on Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment in Schools. This American text, for grades 6-12, is comprehensive and a very valuable guide for teachers.
Gender Stereotypes Lesson Plan - this lesson plan was developed by Bristol feminists and piloted in 2009 at Hotwells School with Year 6.  Please feel free to use and develop it: some notes on the lesson can also be found here.
The GERI Project – “established in 2001 to break down the barriers of prejudice and inequality in the workplace” (eg. has stories from people working in non-traditional gender roles and a DVD of 100 role models).
Media Awareness Network (USA) - a series of lesson plans developed by Men for Change for ages 13-15.  Including Exposing Gender Stereotypes, Learning Gender Stereotypes, the Impact of Gender Role Stereotypes.
Internet and Porn - Bristol's FYP initiative offers some resources about the impact of the internet, media and pornography on young people's relationships and sex.
Love, Honour and Disobey - a DVD available to buy here, tells the story of domestic violence in Britain's black and ethnic minority communities.
Mermaids – “to support children and teenagers up to age 19, who are trying to cope with gender identity issues” – (includes lots of young people’s testimony).
National Literacy Trust – “changes lives through literacy” –  (has a pdf booklet called “Getting the Blokes on Board: Involving father and male carers in reading with their children).
Peacecorps – “to promote world peace and friendship” (has lots of useful activity ideas including activities on gender in its Life Skills Manual).
Plan International – has “a ‘Because I am a Girl’ campaign to fight gender inequality, promote girls' rights and lift millions of girls out of poverty”. Has classroom resources in its resource centre)
Rape is… (USA) a film by Cambridge Documentary Films which "provides a comprehensive look at the issue of rape. It demonstrates that it is not a sporadic and rare occurrence, but a human rights violation and criminal outrage that affects millions of women, children and men".  A discussion guide is provided online.
is an education toolkit and film developed in Bristol for use as a resource to help prevent domestic abuse in the next generation, by carrying out activities with and for children and young people of all ages.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Equality and Diversity toolkit for promoting STEM careers to young people aged 11-16.
Teachers TV – useful clips on gender issues in schools at    
Tender - Tender is a charity that works to promote healthy relationships based on equality and respect.  Using theatre and the arts, Tender work to engage young people in violence prevention, enabling them to recognise and avoid abuse and violence.  Resources page here
TUC (has a publications sections with DVDs and resources on the fight to reduce the pay gap for about £3)
Unequal Partners (USA) - Teaching about power and consent in adult-teen and other relationships including 30 interactive lessons for young people aged 10-17.
Valentines Resource Kit - The team at No Worries, South Gloucestershire Council, have created a Valentine's resource pack that takes advantage of Valentine's Day as an opportunity to talk to young people about relationships – whether that be with their friends or their partners. It also touches on peer pressure and being ready for sex.  Includes some details for those young people needing information on local services. The key themes of the activities are self esteem, body image, relationships and friendship.
White Ribbon Campaign - men working to end violence against women - have an Education Resources page which includes some education activities that explore masculinity, attitudes, violence against women including sexual harassment, music, media and more.
We are Man - a short viral film by the End Violence Against Women Coalition (2011) to challenge young men's attitudes to sexual violence
WISE – Women into Science, Engineering and Construction – “The WISE vision is to have most young women understanding science, engineering and mathematics, and many choosing it as a career.” 
Womankind Worldwide – “We aim to raise awareness and transform attitudes to stop violence against women” worked between 2004-2010 with UK schools including developing lesson plans and resources for the report ‘Challenging Violence and Changing Lives’ and published 'Freedom to Achieve - Preventing Violence, Promoting Equality - a Whole School Approach' which summarises the research as well as providing resources, further references, questionnaires and a curriculum review tool.
Women’s Aid – “work to end violence against women and children” (has a range of resources for schools about domestic violence including ‘The Expect Respect Education Toolkit’ which contains excellent lesson ideas for primary and secondary pupils covering a range of topics concerning gender issues).
YWCA - Empowering Young Women to lead change.  This international training manual has some excellent lesson/session plans including on human rights / women's human rights (p49-70), self esteem & body image (p81-94) and violence against women (p107-119).

  Resources for Parents
Women's Support Project have produced a number of very useful guides for parents to aid discussion: