Affiliates and sponsors


Bristol Women's Voice
Bristol Fawcett are proud to support and contribute to the work of Bristol Women's Voice, advancing equality for women in Bristol.

Bristol Women's Commission
We are represented on this commission led by Bristol Women's Voice which will deliver a Strategy for Women's Equality in the city in accordance with our city's commitment to the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life.

We are a member of VOSCUR, Bristol's Council for Voluntary Service.

End Violence Against Women Coalition
We are members of the Coalition to End Violence Against Women.

 Sponsor Us!!!
Bristol Fawcett is an entirely voluntary organisation and receives no significant funding.  If you are interested in funding a project or event, or in making a donation to advance the cause of gender equality locally, please get in contact with us.  Email:


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Web design and CMS by WholeThing
Adapted by Joel McParland & Jamie Williams