For comprehensive national information, see Fawcett’s national website here

 Need help or advice? Unfortunately we are not able to offer assistance in individual cases of gender discrimination or inequality and we are not an information resource.  But we hope that the links below will provide details of organisations that can help.

 Local organisations and sites

Awaz Utaoh
Bristol Against Violence and Abuse

Bristol Rape Crisis (SARSAS - Somerset & Avon Rape & Sexual Abuse Support)
Bristol Feminist Network
Bristol Feminist Network Facebook Group
Bristol's Mayoral Women's Commission
Bristol Women's Voice
Bristol University - Centre for Gender and Violence Research
Hollaback Bristol - fighting to end street harassment against women
One Space support community for single parents, delivered by SPAN
Sky Project  - support around forced marriage
SPAN (Single Parents Action Network)
Women's Aid

Bristol Libraries database of local organisations
Voscur’s directory of local voluntary groups

 Links for stereotyping and representations of women in the media

Bristol Representation of Women in the Media project: website and blog

Wears the Trousers - women in the UK music industry
Pink Stinks - challenging the culture of pink which invades every aspect of girls' lives (UK)
The Front Page Campaign - against the exposure of children to pornography - including a complaints form (UK)
Equity's petition for equal representation of women in TV and film drama (UK)
Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media - improving gender portrayals in children's media (US)
Media Education Foundation - films and resources (you can watch trailers on YouTube, e.g. "Generation M") (US)
Bechdel Test Movie List - rating films by the simple criteria of whether they have at least two women characters, who talk to each other about something besides a man.
Miss Representation - a film from 2010 by Jennifer Siebel Newsom which explores women’s under-representation in positions of power by challenging the limited and often disparaging portrayal of women in the media (US)
Home Office Sexualisation Review 2010 - by Dr Linda Papadopoulos.  An independent review of the impact of the sexualisation of girls on violence against women.

 Bristol Fawcett Documents

You can find useful documents that we have produced via the left hand menu headings on the projects page of our website

Our annual report for 2013 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2013 can be viewed here
Our annual report for 2012 can be viewed here
Our annual report for 2011 can be viewed here

Our annual report for 2010 can be viewed here
Our annual report for 2009 can be viewed here
Our annual report for 2008 can be viewed here
our annual report for 2007 can be viewed here.

Please let us know if you would like a copy in larger print.

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