Cutting Women Out in Bristol

What has been the impact of the public sector spending cuts on women?  Has the impact been disproportionate?  National evidence tells us that this is the case and that progress towards women's equality has stalled - and in some areas such as pay equality has gone into reverse.  What is the local picture? 
Our new report "Cutting Women Out in Bristol - 2014" provides the facts and figures for our city.  Download the report

Download the 2-page summary here
Read the press release for the 2014 report here

Download presentations from International Women's Day 2013 here:
Jane Emanuel - Welfare myths
Pamela Trevithick - Women's poverty and the bigger picture
Vicky Boroughs -
A trade union perspective on poverty
Jackie Longworth - Women's pay and poverty in the South West

Briefing: Impact of Women of the "Bedroom Tax"

Our report from 2011

Our report - Cutting Women Out in Bristol - captured the extent of the public sector spending cuts and their equality & human rights impact on women in Bristol, according to information available in October 2011. 
  • Click here to download the pdf in colour
  • Click here to download a mono version that can be printed in black & white
Read the summary of our 2011 report here
Read the 2011 press release

Watch the video of the launch, set to the specially written song "Rise Up" by Claire Mooney, here.

Visit our associated blog - Confronting Women's Poverty - and the Twitter account (@ConfrontPoverty) which ran from 2011 to 2013.

 National analyses of the cuts
The disproportionate impact of the proposed cuts upon the most vulnerable groups has been recognised by numerous organisations. 

There is a comprehensive and regularly updated list of resources published by the Centre for Human Rights in Practice at the University of Warwick. The centre, with Coventry Women's Voices, produced the report and toolkit that we used to guide us in producing our reports.
Visit the website here or click on the links below to be taken to their resources: